Yoga Myth Buster: “I Can’t Do Yoga Because I Can’t Relax my Mind”
By Melanie Richards
Last year, international, award-winning DJ Jojo Flores and I were talking about collaborating when I suggested he come by HappyTree yoga studio for a yoga class. He admitted he had never tried yoga before and when I asked him why, this was the text I got:
To which I replied, « I think I have another project for us to collaborate on. » Two days later we shot a short video to help debunk the myth, “I can’t do yoga because I can’t relax my mind”.
Jojo Flores helps me debunk the myth: I can’t do yoga because I can’t relax my mind.
Jojo was an excellent student. Not only did he learn a simple yogic breathing technique to calm his mind (described in the video), he also learned why it’s so effective.
Either you master your mind, or your mind masters you. One way to break the cycle of stress is to sit quietly for a few moments and consciously change your breathing pattern. The way we’re wired physiologically, if you calm your breath, you’ll calm your mind as well. Like two lovers dancing to a slow song, your brain and body will follow the long, deep rhythm of your inhales and exhales and succumb to relaxation.
A relaxed mind is a creative mind – one that can think and perceive clearly. Long, deep breathing is free, it doesn’t discriminate, it’s available at all times and it works. All that’s required is a moment of present awareness. So, next time you feel your mind racing, keep calm and breathe!
Photo credit:
Special thank you to:
International DJ and Entrepreneur, Jojo Flores https://soundcloud.com/jojoflores
Video Director and Producer Jonathan Kebe http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4444205/
Jonathan Kebe and his assistant filming a candid moment between takes!